b'uFromPage 73uniquelyattributabletoDoDactivities,DoDusedor will start in Fiscal Year 2024. These efforts will aqueousfilmformingfoamcontainingPFOSandmitigate further PFAS plume migration or ongoing PFOA in firefighting and crash response vehicle test- impacts to groundwater from on-base PFAS source ing, fire training exercises, crash crew training exer- areas and build on the Biden-Harris administrations cises, hangar system operations and testing, responsescommitments to protect public health and the environ-to fuel fires or spills and emergency response actions.ment, the department stated in a Feb. 5 press release.5DoD also uses materials that can contain PFAS in the1Tiu AC, McKinnell Z, Liu S, Diao, Association of Agent Orange vapor suppression systems at plating shops. and myeloproliferative neoplasms, thrombosis, and bleeding among ReleasesofPFAStotheenvironmentcanresultveterans. 2023 ASCO annual meeting. June 2-6, 2023. Abstr 7011. J. from use, spills and leaks of these materials duringClin Oncol 41, 2023 (suppl 16; abstr 7011)handling or in storage, wastewater treatment and dis- 2skr42. (2023, June 16). Veterans exposed to Agent Orange may be posal locations such as landfills. 3 at increased risk of developing progressive blood cancers. Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center. https://lombardi.georgetown.edu/According to the Agency for Toxic Substances andnews-release/veterans-exposed-to-agent-orange-may-be-at-increased-Disease Registry, the epidemiological evidence sug- risk-of-developing-progressive-blood-cancers/#gests associations between increases in exposure to3Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances. Military Health Sys-(specific) PFAS and certain health effects includingtem. (2023, June 20). https://www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/the following: increases in cholesterol levels, lowerHealth-Readiness/Public-Health/PFAS antibody response to some vaccines, changes in liver4Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2024, Jan. 18). Potential enzymes, pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre- health effects of Pfas Chemicals. Centers for Disease Control and eclampsia, small decreases in birth weight and kidneyPrevention. https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/pfas/health-effects/index.html and testicular cancer.4 5US Department of Defense. (2024, Feb. 6). DOD identifies addi-tional locations for interim Pfas Cleanup Actions. U.S. Department In February, DoD released the names of more thanof Defense. https://www.defense.gov/News/Releases/Release/Ar-30DoDinstallationsandNationalGuardfacilitiesticle/3668054/dod-identifies-additional-locations-for-interim-pfas-where interim PFAS cleanup actions are underwaycleanup-actions/Polycythemia vera, a rare blood cancer with an increase in the number of red blood cells in the body due to mutation in the JAK2 gene, 3D illustration showing abundant erythrocytes inside blood vessel.Source:Kateryna Kon/Shutterstock 74'