b'Psychoactive Drug Ibogaine Effectively Treats TBI Complications in VeteransSTANFORD, CAThe signature injury of U.S.The study team collaborated with VETS Inc., a veterans from recent military conflicts, traumaticfoundationdedicatedtosupportingpsychedelic-braininjury(TBI)isaleadingcauseofinjury- assistedtherapiesforveterans.Withassistance relateddisability.OftenaconsequenceofblastfromVETS,30SpecialOperationsForcesvet-exposure, TBIs can lead to post-traumatic stresserans (SOVs) who had a background of TBI and disorder,majordepressivedisorderandanxietyrepeated blast exposures independently arranged disorders, with a resulting increase in suicide risk.for ibogaine treatment at a clinic in Mexico.TBIs also can cause changes in memory and atten- Prior to the intervention, the researchers assessed tion that can substantially impact quality of life. theparticipantsPTSD,anxiety,depressionand Because efficacy of treatments for these prob- overall functioning levels using self-reported sur-lemsislimited,manyveteransdesperateforveys and evaluations administered by clinicians. relief have been seeking underexplored therapiesSubsequently, the participants traveled to a clinic that are not available in the United States. NowinMexicooperatedbyAmbioLifeSciences, a study out of Stanford University in Californiawhere,undermedicalsupervision,theywere showsoneoftheseunderexploredtherapies administered oral ibogaine along with magnesium ibogaine,aplant-basedpsychoactivedrugthattomitigatepotentialheart-relatedcomplications has been studied primarily as a treatment for sub- associated with ibogaine. Following the treatment, stance-use disordersis both safe and effectivethe veterans came back to Stanford Medicine for for TBIs chronic complications. 1 follow-up assessments.Derived from the root bark of the TabernantheBefore ibogaine treatment, all participants had iboga shrub and similar plants, ibogaine has a tra- an average rating of 30.2 on the World Health ditional use in African religious, spiritual and heal- OrganizationDisabilityAssessmentScale2.0 ing rituals. When administered therapeutically, it(WHODAS), Williams told U.S. Medicine. One induces dreamlike states of consciousness, facili- monthaftertreatment,thatratingimprovedto tatingself-reflectionandevaluation,saidNolan5.1,indicatingnodisability.Onemonthafter Williams, MD, an associate professor of psychia- treatment,participantsexperiencedaverage try and behavioral sciences at Stanford Universityreductions of 88% in PTSD symptoms, 87% in Medical Center. It also affects multiple neurotrans- depression symptoms and 81% in anxiety symp-mitters at the same time.toms relative to pre-ibogaine treatment. Cognitive Importantly,ibogaineisclassifiedbythetesting indicated improvements in concentration, Controlled Substances Act as a Schedule I sub- information processing, memory and impulsivity stance, defined as drugs with no currently acceptedin participants.medical use and a high potential for abuse. Thus,He continued, There were no serious side effects legalrestrictionshavelimitedresearchwiththeof ibogaine and no instances of the heart problems drug in the U.S.that have occasionally been linked to ibogaine. After learning of several veterans who had goneWilliams advised that ibogaines drastic effects toaclinicinMexicoandwerereportinganec- on TBI also suggest that it holds broader therapeu-dotallythattheywereexperiencingsignificanttic potential for other neuropsychiatric conditions. improvements in their lives after taking ibogaine1Cherian, KN, Keynan, JN., Anker, L, Faerman, A,et al. (2024). for their TBI-related conditions, Williams and hisMagnesium-ibogaine therapy in veterans with traumatic brain in-colleaguesdecidedtoscientificallyevaluatethejuries. Nature Medicine, 30(2), 373-381. https://doi.org/10.1038/role of ibogaine for that purpose. s41591-023-02705-wReduction in Symptoms11'