b'to validate information from interviews when theyGreensaid.Incontrast,lonelinessandsocial were available. approach motivation appears to be more related to All clinical participants were stable with no hos- ones level of social isolation.pitalizations within three months and no changes inThe study found that individuals with schizophre-psychoactivemedicationtype/dosagewithinfournia(n=72)showedintermediatelevelsofsocial weeks, according to the study. Patients in both theisolation, loneliness, and social approach motivation schizophreniaandbipolardisorderpatientgroupsbetween the isolated (n = 96) and connected control were receiving psychoactive medications at the time(n=55)groups.However,schizophreniapatients of assessment. showed significant deficits in social cognition com-Allcommunityparticipantsprovidedpsychiatricpared to both community groups.history through the SCID-5 and select sections of theIn addition, the authors discovered that individu-SCID for Personality Disorders (SCID-PD) assessingals with bipolar disorder (n = 48) were intermediate avoidant, paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal and border- between isolated and control groups for loneliness and line characteristics. They were excluded if they metsocial approach. The individuals with bipolar disor-criteria for a lifetime history of a psychotic disorderder did not show deficits on social cognition tasks, or bipolar disorder, the authors explained. and both clinical groups (patients with schizophrenia The participants were 20 to 60 years old and had aor bipolar disorder) had higher social avoidance than sufficient understanding of English, no clinically sig- both community groups.nificant neurological disease (e.g., epilepsy), no his- Because social cognition for schizophrenia and tory of a serious head injury, no use of sedatives orsocial avoidance for both schizophrenia and bipolar benzodiazepines within 12 hours of testing, no evi- disorder are directly tied to the clinical conditions, dence of IQ less than 70 or developmental disabilitythey are good targets for intervention to improve based on the Wide-Range Achievement Test 3rd ed.social integration among veterans with these con-reading subtest, no substance-use disorder at moderateditions,Greenrecommendedtohealthcarepro-level or greater in the past three months and no currentfessionals.Theseresultsreinforcetheideathat mood episode that met clinical criteria for depression,a careful consideration of social and interpersonal hypomania or mania, the researchers explained. context should be an important part of the treat-Theresultssuggestthatsocialcognitivedeficitsment for these conditions.in schizophrenia, and high social avoidance motiva- 1Green MF, Wynn JK, Eisenberger NI, et al. Social cognition tion in both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, areand social motivation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: are distinct features of the clinical conditions and are notimpairments linked to the disorder or to being socially isolated? simply a result of living lives of social isolation,Psychological Medicine. Published online 2024:1-9. doi:10.1017/S0033291724000102 Descriptive Statistics and Statistical Test Summary for the Key VariablesSource: Social cognition and social motivation in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder: are impairments linked to the disorder or to being socially isolated? Psychological Medicine. Published online 2024:1-9. doi:10.1017/S003329172400010269'