b'Overall survival rates for combined NSCLC and SCLC analyzed by the Kaplan-Meier method, stratified by year of diagnosis: (A) stage I, (B) stage II, (C) stage III, (D) stage IV and (E) stage I-IV. NSCLC, nonsmall-cell lung cancer; SCLC, small cell lung cancer.Source: To come, need to ask EditorialuFromPage 35improve the quality of life for people at the endregard to race, color, religion or national origin.of their lung cancer journey, and 7.decreased wait times for healthcare withinUniversal Healthcare AdvantagesVHA since passage of the 2014 VeteransA study last year from the Murtha Cancer Center Choice Program. ResearchProgram,theUniformedServices Giventhecomplexcoordinationofhealth- University of the Health Sciences and the Henry M. care required to successfully work up and manageJackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military patients with newly diagnosed lung cancer, furtherMedicine Inc., all in Bethesda, MD, found that the research into the relative contributions of each ofsurvival advantage of NSCLC patients receiving care these diagnostic and therapeutic factors is necessaryfrom a universal healthcare system compared to pa-to replicate the VHAs success in other healthcaretients from the general population was not restricted systems, they added. to the uninsured or those on Medicaid as expected, Theresearchersalsonotedthattheachievementbut was present cross all insurance types, including of better or similar survival rates in Black vs. whitepatients with private insurance. Our findings high-veterans with lung cancer existed in both the VHAlight the survival benefits of universal health care andMHShealthcaresystems.Collectively,thesesystem to lung cancer patients. 3findings align with the US Military and VHAs long- ForthestudypublishedinCancerCauses& standing culture of ensuring healthcare equity whichControl,theresearchersdividedthepatientsfrom datesbacktoExecutiveOrder9881,writtenbythe U.S. general population by insurance status/type President Harry S. Truman, which was declared inand compared them to the MHS patients in survival. 1948: There shall be equality of treatment and oppor- The MHS patients were identified from the DoDs tunity for all persons in the armed services withoutAutomatedCentralTumorRegistry(ACTUR). 36'