b'Employees of Traut Companies and a geologist with EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. prepare a core sample for analysis during a remedial investigation into the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances at Truax Field in Madison, WI, late last year. The investigation marks the second major step in the Environmental Protection Agencys Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act process which will guide the mitigation of PFAS compounds on and around the Air National Guard installation. U.S. Air National Guard. Photo by Isabella Jansenmatched controls with arterial clots were 1.38releasefromGeorgetownUniversitysLombardi times greater than the odds of exposure amongComprehensive Cancer Center.2controls without arterial clots. The odds of Agent Orange exposure amongCleanup Efforts patients with MPNs and arterial clots were 1.49The findings of this previously unknown association times greater than the odds of exposure amongbetween Agent Orange and MPNs came during DoD patients with MPNs without arterial clots. clean-up efforts for another group of environmental Astheteamsfindingsindicatepotentialasso- contaminantspolyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).ciations rather than causation, Tiu emphasized thePFAS refers to the entire class of approximately 600 necessityforresearcherstodelvedeeperintotheper- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in commerce, of biologyofMPNs.Specifically,theywanttolookwhich perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluo-at JAK2 mutations. There are several associationsrooctanoic acid (PFOA) were historically the most between Agent Orange and health disorders that arewidely used throughout the US.not well understood, and we hope our work helpsPFAS are synthetic chemicals found in many indus-uncover a few of these, said Tiu said in a presstrialandconsumerproducts.Whiletheyarenot 73'