b'MILITARYHEALTHSYSTEM HH H HHT MILITARYHEALTHSYSTEM (MHS)he is one of Americas largest and most complex health care institutions, and the worlds preeminent military health care delivery operation.MHS saves lives on the battlefield, combats infectious disease around the world, and is responsible for providing health services through both direct care and private sector care to approximately 9.5 million beneficiaries, composed of uniformed service members, military retirees, and family members.The MHS enables the National Defense Strategy by providing a Medically Ready Force and improving the health of all those entrusted to its care. The MHS is a complex system that weaves together . . . Health care delivery Medical education Public health Private sector partnerships Cutting edge medical research and developmentThe missions of the MHS are complex and interrelated:To ensure Americas active duty and reserve-component personnel are healthy so they cancomplete their national security missions.To ensure that all active and reserve medicalpersonnel in uniform are trained and ready toprovide medical care in support of operationalforces around the world.To provide a medical benefit commensuratewith the service and sacrifice of more than 9.5million active-duty personnel, military retireesand their families.THEDIRECTORY DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSE'