b'ADVERTISING GUIDEVerricaVerrica is a dermatology therapeutics companyH H H H Hdeveloping medications for skin diseases requiring medicalinterventions.Verricas product PLEASE SUPPORTOURYCANTH (VP-102) ADVERTISERS(cantharidin), is the first and only commercially The 2025 Directory of Federal available treatment approved by the FDA to treatMedical Treatment Facilities isadult and pediatric patients two years of age andprovided free to the readers ofolder with molluscum contagiosum, a highly conta- U.S. Medicine, at no cost to the federal government or U.S. gious viral skin infection affecting approximately 6taxpayer.million people in the United States, primarily chil- U.S. Medicine is grateful to dren. YCANTH (VP-102) is also in developmentthese advertisers that make this to treat common warts and external genital warts,publication possible.two of the largest remaining unmet needs in medi-cal dermatology. Verrica is developing VP-103, its second cantharidin-based product candidate, for the treatment of plantar warts.See our ad on page 29.Photography Creditscoverporcorex/iStockphoto; p. 26Leena Robinson/Shutterstock; p. 100Rabanser/Shutterstock; p. 105Kletr/Shutterstock; p. 117 U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Tara Fajardo Arteaga DVIDSHUB; p. 118InfiniteEye/Shutterstock; p. 124Kyle J Little/Shutterstock; p. 126Joris van Boven/Shutterstock; p. 135Eli Wilson/Shutterstock; p. 136Sergey Kohl/Shutterstock; p. 142CSWFoto/Shutterstock; flag iconsPixel.X/ShutterstockTHEDIRECTORY'