b'P E N N S Y LVA N I A Acting Deputy CommanderDeputy Commander for Health for Administration and ReadinessDunham U.S. Army Health Clinic Maj. Patricia K. Herndon Col. Shawna Scully450 Gibner Road Deputy Commander for ClinicalDeputy Commander for Carlisle, PA 17013-5086 Services Patient Services717-245-3400 Lt. Col. Jason Daile Lt. Col. Sonny HuitronDeputy Commander for QualityDeputy Commander for Quality and Safety and SafetyMr. Michael A. Barton Dr. Stacey FrazierDeputy Commander for Nursing Pharmacy ChiefCommander Lt. Col. Ben Cartwright Dr. Selina OHaraLt. Col. Riliwan Ottun T E X AS Carl R. DarnallDeputy Commander Army Medical Centerfor Clinical Services Hugo V. Mendoza Soldier Family36065 Santa Fe Avenue Maj. Catherine Gill Care Center Fort Hood, TX 76544-4752Deputy Commander for Nursing 11335 SSG Sims Street 254-288-8000Lt. Col. Marie Carmona Fort Bliss, TX 79918Fillmore U.S. Army Health Clinic 915-569-2273Commander400 G AvenueCol. Marc CaouetteNew Cumberland, PA 17070 717-770-7281 William Beaumont CommanderOfficer-in-ChargeArmy Medical Center Col. Garrick CramerDr. Christina Maier 18511 Highlander Medics Street Senior Enlisted AdvisorFort Bliss, TX 79918P U E R TO R I C O 915-742-2273 CSM Antonio DavisDeputy Commanding OfficerRodriguez Army Health ClinicMatthew Mapes21 Patriot Boulevard, Building 21 Chief Medical OfficerFort Buchanan, PR 00934-3400 Joe Yancey787-707-4392Commander Chief Nursing OfficerCol. Lee C. Freeman Ekerette AkpanCommand Sergeant Major Deputy Commander for Patient CSM James Musnicki ServicesChristopher EllisonCommander Chief Nursing Officer Deputy to the Commander for Lt. Col. Alex C. Montgomery Col. Gregory Lara Quality ServiceChief Medical Officer Dr. Joan IngramS O U T H C A R O L I N A Col. Eric Weber Pharmacy ChiefMoncrief Army Health Clinic Deputy Commander forChristopher Ellison4500 Stuart Street Administration Brooke Army Medical CenterFort Jackson, SC 29207-5700 Col. Jarrod McGee 3551 Roger Brooke Drive803-751-2160 Deputy Commander forFort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6200Medical Services 210-916-7500Col. Fernando MendezDeputy Commander for Surgical ServicesCol. Paul SinquefieldCommander Deputy Commander for Col. Christopher C. PaseInpatient Services CommanderCommand Sergeant MajorCol. Maria Shelton Col.Mark E. StackleCSM Kimberly N. Nieves Command Sergeant Major CSM Dedraf BlashU.S. ARMY MEDICAL TREATMENT FACILITIESTHEDIRECTORY'