b'2025 H H H About this Edition H H HThe 2025 U.S. Medicine Directory of Federal Medical Treatment Facilitiesis published annually as a serviceto the readers of U.S. Medicine. The listings here are the result of months of research that started in July and H H HJames F. Breuning concluded with our December publishing deadline. We Publisher are grateful for the input provided by the Veterans Health Breuning@usmedicine.com Administration, Military Health System, and the Indian 609 397-5522Health Service. Please note that leadership at some of Brenda L. Mooney the federal agencies listed here will change with the new Editorial Director administration taking office in January.Mooney@usmedicine.comKristin Mendola The Directory is made possible by the support of the Vice President, Sales and Marketing advertisers in this edition. You can find additional Mendola@usmedicine.com information about these companies and their products 203-761-0202starting on page***Kristine Bergenheim Production ManagerProduction@usmedicine.com U.S. Medicine welcomes updates to the Directory at any Alex Dinardotime. All new information will be incorporated into our Art Director database and included in next years edition. Please email Production@usmedicine.com any updates and comments to the publisher: Breuning@Melody English usmedicine.comPhoto CoordinatorMaggie Miller To purchase additional single or bulk copies of the Market ResearchDirectory, please contact Kristin Mendola: (203) 761-0202 or email: Mendola@usmedicine.com H H HThe Directory is published by U.S Medicine, an The 2025 Directory of Federal Medicalindependent publication serving healthcare professionals Treatment Facilities is published byworking within the Department of Veterans Affairs, Marathon Medical Communications,the Military Health System and the U.S. Public Health Inc. Single copies of this Directory are available for $75 each and can beService. U.S. Medicine informs its readers on the clinical ordered online at www. usmedicine.comdevelopments and news that will impact the care of the or by callingU.S. Medicine at (609) 397- federal patient.5522. Bulk purchases are also available.While we strive for accuracy in these listings, we can not be responsible forOur staff of experienced medical journalists provides any errors and/or changes to individualinformation that is fair, balanced, accurate and relevant facilities. Please send any correctionsto federal medicine. The publication presents concise yet or updates to U.S. Medicine,120 North Union Street, Lambertville, NJ 08530 ordetailed information about federal medicine that cannot email to Research@usmedicine.com be found anywhere else. For the physicians, pharmacists2025, Marathon Medical and allied healthcare professionals working in federal Communications, Inc.medicine, U.S. Medicine, and its companion website Corporate Offices USMedicine.com are valuable resources.Marathon MedicalCommunications, Inc. To start or renew a print subscription to U.S. Medicine ,120 North Union Street or to sign up to receive the U.S. Medicine e-Newsletter, Lambertville, NJ 08530 please visit USMedicine.com.Tel (609) 397-5522www.usmedicine.comTHEDIRECTORY 2025'