b'INDIANHEALTHSERVICE HH H HHT INDIANHEALTHSERVICEan agencyhe within the Department of Health and Human Services, is responsible for providing federal health services to American Indians and Alaska Natives.The provision of health services to members of federally-recognized tribes grew out of the special government-to-government relationship between the federal government and Indian tribes.The IHS is the principal federal health care provider and health advocate for Indian people, and its goal is to raisetheir health status to the highest possible level. The IHS provides a comprehensive health service delivery systemfor approximately 2.8 million American Indians andAlaska Natives.Members of 574 federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes and their descendants are eligible for services provided by the Indian Health Service. The IHS has 12 area offices and 170 service units. In 2023, the IHS had 36,959 inpatient admissions and 13,949,733 outpatient visits at its facilities.Indian Health Service5600 Fishers LaneRockville, MD 20857 HINDIANHEALTHSERVICELEADERSHIPRoselyn Tso Benjamin Smith Loretta Capt. Carmen ClellandDirector Deputy Director Christensen, MD Chief of StaffChief Medical OfficerTHEDIRECTORY DEPARTMENTOFDEFENSE'