b'Source: History of Suicide Attempts and COVID-19 Infection in Veterans with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder: Moderating Effects of Age and Body Mass Index; Complex Psychiatry; www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8805065/functioninyoungandobeseattempters,respec- examples,theyrecommendedthatmentalhealth tively, since individuals with conditions involvingprovidersshouldroutinelyeducatepatientson immune system dysregulation such as asthma andCOVID-19precautionssuchaswearingamask, allergic rhinitis, are more likely to test positive forphysicaldistancing,washinghandsandgetting COVID-19relativetothosewithoutsuchcondi- vaccinated. Patients also should be informed about tions, they posited. COVID-19 symptoms and the importance of seek-The study team also had some recommendationsing medical attention if they experience such symp-forVAclinicians.Theyadvisedthat,becauseoftoms, the authors wrote.possiblelong-termneuropsychiatricsequelaeofThe researchers called for future well-powered, pro-COVID-19 infection, patients with schizophreniaspective studies to confirm the apparent association or schizoaffective disorder who have a history ofbetween history of suicidal behavior and COVID-suicide attempt and are younger than 59 or obese,19 in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective shouldbemonitoredcloselysincetheymaybedisorder and to better explain the underlying mecha-more at risk of COVID-19. Indeed, there is the pos- nisms which underlie that link.sibility of symptom exacerbation in patients withAs of early April 2022, the VA reported that 21,671 a history of suicide attempt who test positive forCOVID-19-relateddeathshadoccurredamong COVID-19 since postmortem examination of brainsits patients since the beginning of the pandemic in ofindividualsdiagnosedwithsevereCOVID-19March 2020. Cumulative cases overall were nearly infectionrevealedCOVID-19-relatedimpaired620,000.brain neurotransmission. 1Okusaga OO, Kember RL, Peloso GM, Peterson RE, Vujkovic M, Their suggestion was that COVID-19 preventionMitchell BG, Bernard J, Walder A, Bigdeli TB. History of Suicide be prioritized and included in the routine care ofAttempts and COVID-19 Infection in Veterans with Schizophrenia patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective dis- or Schizoaffective Disorder: Moderating Effects of Age and Body Mass Index. Complex Psychiatry. 2021 Dec 1;392:1789-1795. doi: orderwhohaveahistoryofsuicideattempt. As10.1159/000521230. PMID: 35128521; PMCID: PMC8805065.81'