Dry Eye Worse in Veterans With GWI

Veterans with Gulf War illness (GWI) have more severe dry eye (DE) symptoms, including neuropathic eye pain questionnaire scores, when compared to those who served during the Gulf War but did not meet criteria for GWI.

How one VAMC Pharmacy Implemented Gravimetric IV Workflow Technology

How one VAMC Pharmacy Implemented Gravimetric IV Workflow Technology

For years, the Institute of Safe Medical Practices and other safety groups have been staunch advocates of technology solutions such as gravimetric verification of drug and diluent volumes and have strongly encouraged their implementation to augment manual processes and provide additional safeguards during sterile compounding.

VHA Continues to Provide Too Many Low-Value Prostate Cancer Screening

Low-value healthcare is defined as practices or procedures without clear benefit or where potential harm outweighs the benefit. Deciding what is and isn’t low-value care can be especially difficult when it comes to cancer screenings; increasing age, greater illness burden or lower life expectancy—all weigh on decision-making.

VA Efforts to Secure Its IT System Hampered by Congressional Doubts

For years, VA has struggled to secure its IT systems, with cybersecurity appearing as a persistent weakness in inspectors’ reports.

The department has said it believes that one of the steps toward making progress is addressing the buildup of outdated technology and software, or “technical debt,” that VA has accrued over the decades. VA estimates the total cost of fixing that current debt at $1.3 billion.