More than a half-century after the United States escalated involvement in the Vietnam War by sending significant combat troops, veterans still face significant psychological and physical health challenges related to their employment.
Non-VA Services Reveal Hidden Biases in VA Hospital Performance Metrics
As the veteran population ages and healthcare options expand, it might be beneficial for the VHA to reassess how it evaluates hospital performance, a new study suggested.
Aligning Total Joint Arthroplasty Outcomes With Patient Expectations
Patient-reported outcome measures are increasingly integrated into quality assessments following total joint arthroplasty (TJA), but patient perceptions of quality paired with the phase of surgical care has not been described, according to a new report.
High Plantar Fasciopathy Rates in U.S. Military
U. S. armed forces have high rates of ankle and foot injuries and mean medical and personnel costs for the DoD.
Veterans’ White-Matter Volume Affected by Physical Activity Level
Trauma exposure affects cardiovascular, cerebral and mental health, causing declines.
Happiness Levels in U.S. Military Veterans Similar to General Population
Overall, U.S. military veterans report happiness levels that are only slightly lower than the general population, despite potentially traumatic experiences during deployment.
Deputy VA Secretary Nominees Faces Hard Questions on Firings
At his confirmation hearing, President Donald Trump’s nominee for deputy VA secretary, Paul Lawrence, PhD, promised he would look into recent firings at VA
Critics: Some of the $2 Billion in Contracts VA Cut Were Essential for Veteran Care
VA Secretary Doug Collins announced in a video in late February that VA had cut $2 billion in cuts to contracts thus far. While he said the funds would be redirected to veterans’ health care and benefits, critics claimed the cuts will do the opposite.
More than 1,000 Firings at VA Are Just the Beginning of ‘Generational Change’
President Donald Trump began his second term with a flurry of executive orders that have resulted in the firing of thousands of employees, including many at VA, with the promise of deeper cuts to come.
SGLT2i Use Linked to Higher Risk of Amputations in Diabetes Patients
More than 30 million U.S. adults—including approximately 25% of veterans—have diabetes, putting them at increased risk of heart disease.
GOP Legislators Push Bill to Expedite Firing Authority for VA Employees
Republican legislators are again seeking to provide the VA secretary with expedited firing authority for VA employees that are deemed “bad actors.”
Martin Focuses on Improving Sleep-Disorder Treatment for Veterans
We spend approximately one-third of our lives asleep, but it’s only been in the last couple of decades that the medical community has begun to understand in detail just how important sleep can be to our lives.
Issues Weren’t That Different in VA 60 Years Ago
With news every day about VA staffing cuts, the cancellation of contracts and, essentially, the way the agency does business, it is interesting to look back to what might seem to us as a simpler time – 60 years ago, when U.S. Medicine began.
VA Urged to Avoid Large Monolithic IT Projects, Use a More Modular Approach
Legislators, agency watchdogs and VA leaders are in agreement: The department must stop investing in massive, multiyear IT projects whose intention is to solve a technology need in one fell swoop.
VA EHR Rollout Will Resume in 2026 at Several Michigan Sites
VA has announced that it is planning to restart the rollout of its electronic healthcare record modernization project in mid-2026, starting with four facilities in Michigan—Ann Arbor, Detroit, Battle Creek and Saginaw.
Use of Botulinum Toxin for Headaches Under-Researched in Servicemembers, Veterans
A new study spotlighted the trend of using botulinum toxin, including onabotulinum toxinA (OTA), in active military personnel and veterans who have been diagnosed with migraine and post-traumatic headache (PTH). The article in the Journal of Pain Research also sought to describe the efficacy of botulinum toxin administration.
Concerns Raised About Severe Allergic Reactions in Outdoor Military Personnel
Tick bites in U.S. military personnel are leading to the development of antibodies to alpha-gal, a molecule found in most mammals, and possibly alpha-gal syndrome, a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction.
Outgoing VA Secretary McDonough Concerned About Budget, Slow Hiring
In his final press conference, VA Secretary Denis McDonough discussed what he thinks should be the top priority for incoming department leaders.
Former U.S. Representative Doug Collins Confirmed as 12th VA Secretary
Following a 77-23 Senate vote confirming him as the 12th VA Secretary earlier this month, Douglas Collins released a message on X.
For the First Time in More Than 50 Years, VA Funds Research on Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy for PTSD, AUD
For the first time in more than 50 years, the VA will fund a study on psychedelic-assisted therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder and alcohol-use disorder among veterans.
Will New Supreme Court Ruling Change Ability of VA Leaders to Interpret New Legislation?
Republicans on the House VA Committee are looking to a recent Supreme Court case as an opportunity to strip the power from VA when it comes to interpreting how to enact legislation.
Inclusive Genetic Tools Needed to Evaluate Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma Risk
Primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), the most common type of glaucoma, develops gradually and is often asymptomatic in its early stages.
VA Hospitals Went from Worse Than Community Facilities in 2017 to Outperforming Them in 2021
With the debate heating up about how much VA care should be shifted to the community, a new study found that VA hospitals changed in a 5-year period from 2017 to 2021 from providing worse experiences for Black and poor-health patients to outperforming community hospitals for those and all other patient subgroups examined.
Congressional Republicans Seek to Further Expand VA’s Use of Community Care
Republican legislators are looking to expand VA’s use of community care further with the coming Congress.
VARA Registry Seeks to Improve the Lives of Veterans With Rheumatoid Arthritis
New findings concerning the risk of interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and how body composition and metabolic dysregulation are tied to RA and inflammation were among the highlights of research presented at the 20th Annual Fall Meeting of the VA Rheumatoid Arthritis (VARA) Registry held in September.
Higher CVD Events in Older Adults Undergoing Chemotherapy, With Certain Cancers
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a greater risk for cancer survivors because of either their malignancy or its treatment.
Sexual Orientation Affects Prevalence of Atherosclerotic CVD in Veterans
Sexual orientation appears to have some unexplained effect on cardiovascular health, according to a new study.
Prescribing of Antihypertensives Not Always Guideline Concordant at VHA
While more than half of U.S. veterans diagnosed with hypertension with a pretreatment systolic BP ≥160 mm Hg were started on antihypertensive monotherapy, disparities existed between guideline-recommended first-line treatments and the actual regimens initiated, according to a new study.
Understanding Long-Term Surgical Outcomes Can Help Ensure Treatments Align With Patient Priorities
Surgical outcome studies often focus on mortality, complications or hospital readmissions. While such outcomes are important, they don’t always align with matters most to older patients, particularly those nearing the end of life.
Audit, Feedback Increase HF Medication Management by VA Pharmacists
Giving more active feedback to primary care pharmacists about their heart failure patients led to more interactions and a greater number of medication adjustments, according to a presentation at a recent conference.