Disadvantaged Neighborhoods Linked to Brain Atrophy

MADISON, WI—While the association of neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage with development of dementia and cognitive decline in older adults is not well known, a new study suggested that identifying risk factors for brain atrophy can help direct new approached to...

DoD Battles Coronavirus Pandemic on Multiple Fronts

DoD Battles Coronavirus Pandemic on Multiple Fronts

WASHINGTON—The DoD is throwing the weight and experience of the U.S. military into the fight against the novel coronavirus. Navy ships, Army troops, Air Force cargo planes, National Guardsmen and Reserve forces are all being tapped to battle the invisible enemy:...

USUHS Graduates Doctors and Nurses Early to Battle COVID-19

BETHESDA, MD—In an unprecedented move, the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) will graduate its medical students and nurses several weeks early to help boost forces available to fight the novel coronavirus within the DoD and U.S. Public...

VA Addresses the Emotional Toll of Coronavirus

WASHINGTON - While VAMCs undertook a number of steps to respond to the increase in COVID-19 cases coming through their doors, the VA recognized the need to reach vulnerable and anxious veterans in their communities. To expand outreach to these veterans during the...

Growing Number of Veterans Battling Coronavirus

WASHINGTON - In light of a growing COVID-19 crisis, the VA announced it has successfully increased its intensive care unit and medical/surgical bed capacity by more than 4,000 across the nation. Those beds are likely to be needed, as the novel coronavirus has ambushed...

Agent Orange Exposure Appears to Worsen MGUS Progression

DETROIT - Agent Orange exposure by military personnel has been linked with multiple malignant and nonmalignant conditions, including monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. MGUS is an indolent, premalignant plasma cell disorder with the potential of...