Military aviators and the ground crews that service their planes are at a greater risk to develop melanoma and other types of cancer, according to a Pentagon study released last month. Just what factors are contributing to that risk remains unknown, however.
Stimulant Use Could Be a Key Factor in Heart Failure Development
Chronic heart failure affects an estimated 5% of veterans in the VA Health System, and annual mortality in heart failure patients is 15%
HIV Patients Have Worse Long-Term Survival Following Coronary Procedure
The burden of cardiovascular disease among HIV patients has tripled over the past few decades, and cardiovascular mortality has steadily risen.
VA Analysis Sought to Determine Best Approach for Treatment of Alcohol Misuse
A new study sought to determine that. Noting that psychosocial approaches are “the hallmark of treatment for harmful alcohol use,” the report in the journal Addiction added, “We aimed to compare the effectiveness of psychosocial therapy for harmful alcohol use using a network meta-analysis approach.”
Measuring Ability to Resist in Alcohol Abuse Treatment
While about half of patients with alcohol use disorder prefer non-abstinence based approaches to treatment, it is not clear when that approach is beneficial.
Substance Use Disorders Increasing Fastest Among Older Veterans
The past few years have seen significant increases in diagnoses for cannabis and stimulant use disorder at the VA, especially among older adults.
Ovbiagele Focuses on Disparities in Stroke Among Veterans, Others
Many factors play into why some populations have a higher risk of having and dying from a stroke: genetics, blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, access to healthy food, lifestyles that do not allow for regular exercise.
This may be the age of automation, but love is still being made by hand
I am pleased to report that my wife, Pam, is now weeks into her recovery from spinal fusion surgery. Her surgical staples are out, and she is healing nicely. As I have noted previously in this column, it had been an educational experience living on the receiving end of healthcare. One of the realities of modern healthcare I have observed is the incredible increase in automation that has crept into medical practice. I had undoubtedly noticed this change over the 30+ years of my career. Still, the pace of change appears more intense than I have experienced before.
Clinicians Puzzled by Sharp Rise in Colorectal Cancer Patients Younger Than 50
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third-most-common cancer globally and ranks second as the most-common cause of cancer-related mortality.
Primary Tumor Sidedness Increasingly Important in CRC Diagnosis, Treatment
In colorectal cancer, left-sided colorectal cancer (LCC) is associated with better survival compared to right-sided colon cancer (RCC) in metastatic disease, according to a study involving VA researchers.
Vitamin D Supplementation Shows Promise for Reducing Suicide Risk
Supplementation with Vitamin D appeared to be associated with a reduced risk of suicide attempt and self-harm in veterans, especially those who are Black and have low blood serum levels, according to a VA-funded study.
COVID-19 Pandemic Spotlighted Weaknesses in VA Healthcare System
During the first months of the COVID-19 pandemic, the VA was called on to serve in its “fourth mission” role as a backstop to the nation’s healthcare system.
Tool Effective in Detecting Elder Abuse in Veterans Visiting EDs
A standardized tool designed for intermediate care technicians and nurses to screen high-risk older veterans in emergency departments for injury,
Highly Rural Areas Appear to Have Lower Uptake of COVID-19 Vaccines
Public health officials can better target their message if they better understand where COVID-19 primary and booster vaccine uptake is low. A new VA study suggests that whether the potential recipient lives in a rural or urban area can be an important factor.
New York’s Operation COVID-19 Is Largest Domestic Mobilization in US History
On March 7, 2020, then-Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed Executive Order 202 declaring a state of emergency for the state of New York. Within days, military forces in the state mobilized to respond to the pandemic with the deployment of 270 servicemembers from the New York Army National Guard and Air National Guard to New Rochelle in Westchester County
Survey Examines COVID-19 Vaccination Hesitancy Among U.S. Soldiers
Soldiers who agree with COVID-19 vaccination effectiveness, safety or importance, as well as soldiers who have an immediate supervisor who encourages them to get the COVID-19 vaccine, are more likely to get vaccinated, according to a new study.
More Treatment Failure Risk in Patients on Antidepressants and Montelukast
Montelukast, a prescription drug used to treat and prevent asthma, can affect antidepressant effectiveness, and initiating the asthma medication in patients already receiving antidepressant maintenance therapy is associated with an increased risk for treatment failure, according to a new study.
Intervention Improves COPD Patients’ Access to Pulmonary Care
Exposure to oil well fires, burn pits and sand and dust particles as well as the use of tobacco products puts veterans at increased risk of lung diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
New VA/DoD Pain Guideline Urges Buprenorphine Use Over Full Agonist Opioids
Recent VA/DoD guidelines call for new measures to reduce the use of opioid pain relievers in the management of chronic pain, including the preferential use of buprenorphine over full agonist opioids.
New Bill to Raise VA Physician Salary Cap Goes to Full Senate
The Senate VA Committee has advanced sweeping bipartisan legislation that would allow VA to raise the salary cap for physicians to above $400,000.
Five-Year Survival Rate for Late-Stage Prostate Cancer Is Higher Among MHS Beneficiaries Than for the General Population
Prostate cancer is the third-most-common cancer in men in the U.S. military and the second-leading cause of cancer mortality in U.S. men overall.
Tumor Location Increasingly Important for Determining Optimal CRC Treatments
Traditionally, treatment for colon cancer has been based primarily on the stage, but other issues—especially location—are becoming increasingly important.
VA Participated in Research Examining Major, Minor Colonoscopy Risks
Colonoscopies are not without risk, yet data are limited regarding the procedures’ long-term adverse effects.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Has Changed Significantly in Recent Years
In recent years, the protocols for colorectal cancer screening have undergone some significant changes.
GOP Bill Calls for End of VA’s EHR Modernization Program; Democrats Vehemently Disagree, Calling Effort ‘Unsound’
A group of Republican lawmakers has introduced legislation that would end VA’s Electronic Health Record Modernization Program. The bill is a response to the frequently delayed and problem-ridden rollout of the department’s new EHR, which the bill’s authors say is fundamentally broken and doing more harm than good to veterans.
Genetic Risk Factors for Alzheimer’s Found for Those of African Ancestry
VA researchers have discovered several new genetic variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease—the most common form of dementia—in people of African ancestry.
It is more blessed to give than to receive.
I often quoted a version of this Bible verse to residents just before they were about to do something to a patient that was unpleasant. Truly, in medicine, it is better to give than receive. Throughout my career, I have had the good fortune to rarely be on the other side of the stethoscope, needle, or catheter.
VA Employee Sues Over VA’s Decision to Provide Abortion Services
When VA announced in September that it would be allowing department clinicians to provide abortions and abortion counseling in response to the overturning of Roe v. Wade, it was widely anticipated that there would be lawsuits from state governments that restrict abortion access.
VA Disability Claims Rejected at Higher Rates for Black Veterans
Conley Monk Jr., a Black veteran who served in Vietnam, has spent much of the past 50 years trying to get the VA to accept his claims for disability benefits, housing assistance and education benefits.
Centralized Process Ensures Equitable Distribution of Emergency-Use Authorization Medications in the VHA
Treatments used under emergency-use authorizations (EUA) have led to significant reductions in morbidity and mortality during the COVID-19 pandemic, but ensuring their safe use in the people who could stand to benefit the most from them is a formidable task