New Research Finds Service Dogs Beneficial for Veterans With PTSD

New Research Finds Service Dogs Beneficial for Veterans With PTSD

The VA covers the veterinary care and the equipment costs of service dogs for veterans with physical disabilities such as blindness or vision impairment, but the use of service dogs for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health issues has remained controversial.

Red Flag Signs, Symptoms Could Mean Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United States and worldwide, with about 4,000 cases diagnosed each year in the VA alone. While the rate of colorectal cancer among older individuals—who traditionally were at greatest risk—has decreased in recent years, the incidence in younger people has been increasing at an “alarming rate,” according to a recent study.

I Will Well And Faithfully Discharge The Duties Of The Office On Which I Am About To Enter

I have sworn this oath several times throughout my military career, as did my wife and first daughter. A framed print of the oath of office adorned our living room for years. Often, when asked what I did for a living by a new acquaintance, I will state that I spent a career protecting and defending the United States Constitution. It is an occupation my family has been involved in for generations. Except for my family, nothing has been more fundamentally important to my identity and sense of purpose. Defense of our Constitution is the most important endeavor I have performed to protect my family, posterity and my country.