Mary Jo Pugh Spearheads Research Into TBI Link to Heart Issues

As an investigator at the Informatics, Decision-Enhancement and Analytic Sciences Center of Innovation (IDEAS COIN) at the Salt Lake City VA, the longitudinal studies that Mary Jo Pugh, PhD, RN, has helped build during her 25-year career have demonstrated that traumatic brain injury (TBI) greatly increases a patient’s risk for a host of comorbidities, most notably chronic cardiovascular disease.

To Care for Him Who Shall Have Borne the Battle and for His Widow, and His Orphan.

During my many career visits to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) building on 810 Vermont Ave. NW, Washington, DC, I have been greeted in the main lobby by Lincoln’s mission statement for the VA. Few governmental agency taskings have been stated more eloquently and succinctly. It would take another 65 years before the modern VA was created, on July 21, 1930, when Hoover signed Executive Order 5398. Lincoln’s call for the American people to pay their debt to those who defend the Constitution remains a primary responsibility of our democracy